How to create a brand identity for people who are losing theirs?




No one likes to talk about old age. The loss of abilities, of memory, of our own identity. It frightens us to death. Some time ago, there would be no need to deal with it. Today most people live well into their eighties, even nineties. This means that terribly debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s have become the new normal. As such, health facilities specialised in these kinds of dementia should also be the new normal. Sadly, they’re not. There’s a real shortage of specialised health facilities. As a result, old people suffering from dementia aren’t being treated with the specific care they need. They become fragile, wandering human bodies with no memory of who they are.

The BF Group wants to create a network of assisted living centres with the ability to help the elderly and their families deal with these diseases, restoring hopefulness and prime human dignity.



Our insight. We asked ourselves how we should name a place dedicated to preserving the memories of those who are quietly but steadily losing their fight against oblivion.

Memoville – the village where memories thrive – became a natural choice of naming.

The double infinity symbol in the logo was created to remind people that memories can live forever if we commit to their preservation. We also developed a visual identity made of bright, vivid colours, so that patients, family and staff would be aware that inside Memoville’s walls, life will always be embraced.
